After the family of Francois Noel Vanasse got settled in their new homeland , they
began to move around and establish a new identity as they began a new life . This is the beginning of the different branches
of the family in the New World .
Nicolas , the first born ,would marry Jeanne Bergeron
( Francois and Etienette Leclerc ) on January 11 ,1701 at Trois-Rivieres .He would add the name of Vertefeuille to his own
. He would establish himself at Maskinonge south of Trois-Rivieres on the north side of the St. Lawrence River . His posterity
would grow numerous and some would later move across the river into the parishes of Yamaska . Most families of this branch
have retained the name of Vanasse .
As a postnote one branch of this family immigrated to Michigan
in the mid 1800s and translated their name to GREENLEAF .
Sebastien would marry
Suzanne Baron dit Lupien (Nicolas and Marie Marthe Chauvin)in Louiseville on January 7 ,1718 . His children would add Bastien
to their name and would also live in the Maskinonge area . Families of this branch have dropped Vanasse and go by Bastien.
NB There is also a branch of the Bastien clan that took the surname Vertefeuille and
kept it as their last name.They are the descendants of Joseph Vanasse dit Bastien and Marie Rose Martin-Pelland (married 1777
at Maskinonge ) , whose first husband was a Joseph Vanasse dit Vertefeuille .
Vanasse would marry Marie Joseph Le Fettey dit Lamontagne ( Jean and Suzanne Rabouin ) on December 26 ,1708.
Adding the
name of Precourt to their own , this family would be among the early pionneers of the Baie du Febvre in Yamaska on the south
side of the St. Lawrence River . Families of this branch have dropped Vanasse and use solely the surname of Precourt .
(with no additions)
Etienne , the last son of Francois Noel , would marry Charlotte Dubois ( Antoine and Marie Marthe
Moral ) 0n November 15 ,1717 at St. Francois du Lac . They would stay in the region on the south side of the river and populate
Yamaska .
This branch is an offshoot of the Vanasses dit Vertefeuille.
Louis Vanasse dit
Vertefeuille , a grandson of Nicolas , declared himself Louis Beauvais at a family wedding in 1783 and hence the beginning
of the Vanasses dit Beauvais . Families of this branch have kept the surname of Vanasse .
Vanasse dit Bastien = Bastien
Vanasse dit Bastien/Vertefeuille = Vertefeuille
Vanasse dit Precourt = Precourt
Vanasse , Vanasse dit Beauvais and Vanasse dit Vertefeuille = Vanasse
Vannasse = descendants of Alexandre Vanasse and Philomene Verrier who setlled in Cambridge
MA .
Vanase = form of Vanasse used in Eastern Connecticut .
Vanouse - Vanasses in Minnesota and Wisconsin
Vanoss - Vanasses who settled in the White Earth Indian Reservation in Becker County Minnesota
Venasse - Vanasses who settled in Ontario Province and Western Canada
Greenleaf - Vanasse( dit Vertefeuille) branch that settled in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Vadenais - Vanasse ( dit Beauvais) branch that settled around Otter Lake Pontiac County Quebec
NOTE - Vertefeuille can also be associated with the Bachan dit Vertefeuille family .
Precourt can also be associated with the Degres dit Precourt .
Bastien is associated with at least seven other families in Quebec most notably Rocan dit Bastien .
Bastien can also be German .