On this page I will list census records of some of the families I cannot trace or some information that is confusing . I would be very grateful for any clarification or correction on this families , couples or individuals .
Willimantic -1910 census
Vanasse Henry head age 44 born CT
Delia wife age 33 born Canada
Angelina daughter age 14 born CT
Alice E daughter age 11 born CT
Blanche daughter age 9 born CT
Mary R daughter age 3 born CT
Richard son age 6mos born CT
Henry were married about 1895 had 9 or 7 children with 5 still living .
Willimantic Connecticut -1920 census
Vanasse Henri head age 54 born CT
Delia wife age 44 born Canada
Blanche daughter age 18 born CT
Mary daughter age 1? born CT
Richard son age 10 born CT
Beatrice daughter age 7 born CT **********************************
Bristol CT . James Vanasse (born November 1869) Canada and Marcelline Boucher (born April 1874 ) married in the USA in 1891. James' brother George (born November 1874) was with them with his five children .
BRISTOL CT .George Vanasse married Marie Joseph Lacourse on April 27 ,1914 at St Ann's Church . Geoge was born in St Guillaume to George and Marie Fleurette . Does anyone know of this last named couple ?
CHICOPEE .In the 1920 census there is alisting for :
Vanasse Ovila head age 35 born CT
Ermine wife age 33 born MA
George son age 1 born MA
Easthampton .In the 1920 census we have ;
Vanasse Emery head age 39 born Canada
Celine? wife age 23 born Canada
Lucille daughter age 4 born MA
Irene daughter age 5 mos. born MA
HOLYOKE .In the 1920 census there is the family of Alfonss Vanasse (age 41)who is widowed .He is there with children Dablina (age 17) , Anatola(age 15) ,Ceceilia(age 14), and Edward (age 13) .
LAWRENCE.In the 1920 census
Vanasse Alexander age 31 born Canada
Mary wife age 26 born MA
Andrew 1 month born MA
LOWELL.In the 1920 census
Vanasse Pierre age 43 born MA
Adele age 44 born Canada
LOWELL .In the 1920 census
Vannasse Frank age 79
? wife age 69
Irene age 41
Mary age 34
NEW BEDFORD .In the 1920 census we have:
Vanasse Joseph age 37 born RI
A long name which I can figure out as wife age 25 born VT
Hervey age 12 born MA
Oliver age 11 born MA
Violet age 5 born MA
Laura less than 1 born MA
NEW BEDFORD .Marie Vanasse was born in New Bedford to Baptiste and Delia Poirier on December 22 ,1894 . Need information on Baptiste and Delia.
NEW BEDFORD .Eugene Vanasse age 23 married Evelina Lacasse at Sacred Heart New Bedford on September 1 ,1908 . Who are his parents - Louis and Louise Amenta ?
In the 1900 census for New Bedford MA there is a listing for
Vanasse Peter born 1861 Canada
Marie his wife born1863 Canada
Exilda born 1887
Lucille born 1889
Lucien born 1892
Napoleon born 1893 MA
Jovitte born 1894 MA
They were married in 1887 and came in 1893 .They had 6 children and 5 still living .
NORTHAMPTON.In the 1920 census
Vanasse Ferdinand age 46 born Canada
Rose age 34 born CT
Clarence L age 15 born MA
Beatrice M age 14 born MA
Marguerite age 12 born MA
Gertrude age 1 born MA
This is Ferdinand's second wife . In the 1910 census he was married to Alexina Couture .
PROVIDENCE .In the 1900 census we have :
Vannasse Alex born Oct 1852 Canada
Mary wife born Dec 1850 Canada
Rose born Jan 1881 Canada
Joseph born May 1884 Canada
Br?a son born Jan 1886 CANADA
Peter born 1887 Canada
Alex born Aug 1893 Rhode Island
Alex. and Mary were married in 1879 and immigrated in 1894 .