We know as fact that the first Vanasse who came to Canada came from Normandy .The name always looked Flemish or Dutch . Some
research has been conducted on French names based on birth and the Flemish origin of the name seems correct . Between
1891-1915 there were 6 Vanasse births in France , all in the department of Nord (59) which is French Flanders bordering Belgium
. Experts see the name Vanasse as a variant of Van Assche , a locality in Belgium . Between 1916-1940
, there were 3 Vanasse births -all in Nord. Between 1940-1965 , there were 6 Vanasse births in Nord , 1 in Indre
and 1 in Meurthe et Moselle . Finally between 1966 amd 1990 , there were 3 Vanasse births in Nord and 2 in Alpes
Maritimes on the Italian border . It seems quite evident that the name has in origin in Flanders where there is a town
called Asse north of Brussels and anyone in the distant past who was from that town was Van Asse .
French in the New World

Vanasse Forum
According to the latest census , Vanasse is the 25,013th most common name in the United States .

The town of Asse is just northwest of Brussels on this map .